The bobcat and mountain lion are the two cat species native to California. Both cats are very secretive and are seldom seen in the wild.
Bobcats have muscular shoulders, ear tufts and a short “bobbed” tail about 5” long that has a black tip on the upper side. Their fur coat is tawny gray, occasionally with faint markings.
Bobcats live throughout California and much of North America with a home range of up to 25 square miles. They den in rock crevices or hollow trees and are quick to run off competitors.
Bobcats stalk and ambush their prey, seldom chasing it more than a few feet. Their diet varies with availability but usually consists of mice, hares, rabbits, squirrels, gophers, rats, and birds.
Female bobcats produce a single litter each year with an average of 3 kittens, but up to as many as 6.